This is a sET OF TWO brand new Sunlite Bicycle TubeS with a SCHRADER (like your car) valveS! They are brand new, never used! PLEASE NOTE: WE REMOVE THE TUBEs FROM THEIR CARDBOARD BOX TO SHIP TO YOU. THIS ALLOWS US A SLIGHTLY LESS EXPENSIVE SHIPPING RATE WHICH WE HAVE PASSED ON TO YOU. THE TUBE COMES WRAPPED IN POLY PLASTIC. IMPORTANT INFO ABOUT BICYCLE TUBES: This is a quality Sunlite Bicycle Tube. If you experience a flat soon after the installation of a new tube, it is almost ALWAYS caused by one of two things: (1) Improper installation or (2) Failure to adequately remove the road debris from the tire! Remember, sometimes tiny sharp objects (e.g. thorns, glass, rocks, etc) will lodge in your tire that are almost impossible to see or feel without aggressively manipulating the tire on the inside and outside with your fingers. The object will protrude once under pressure from the tube if you do not find and remove it.